Google’s disastrous launch of its Gemini AI program has been viewed as yet another skirmish in the long-running culture wars. Certainly, Gemini reflects the progressive biases of its Silicon Valley creators. But the debacle offers more than a lesson on the dangers of “woke-ism.” It also provides insight on the collision between AI and copyright, a subject this blog has examined before.

Before turning to the copyright issue, let’s explore what went wrong with the launch.

Google designed Gemini to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and other AI products.  Unlike its rivals, which generally deal with one type of prompt, Google designed Gemini to be “multimodal,” meaning that it could accept inputs in many different media, including text, images, audio, and video.

The Company boasted that Gemini outperformed its rival AI models across dozens of benchmarks including reading comprehension, mathematical ability, and multistep reasoning skills. But the fanfare surrounding its launch was quickly replaced by ridicule, as users tried it and discovered a number of glaring quirks.

A search for images of Nazi soldiers generated an absurd collage of racial inclusiveness.

(Gemini images republished by The Verge.)

Searches for pictures of Founding Fathers, Vikings, and popes –categories exclusively white — also generated multiracial images. But paradoxically, with no whites.

(Gemini images republished by Reason Magazine.)

In brief, Gemini produced results that looked like DEI on steroids.

Gemini also brandished its values in the way it indignantly refused to respond to certain prompts. For example, when asked to create a job description for a fossil fuel company director, it refused, stating that doing so “would go against my principles and I would not be able to do it in good conscience.”

It also refused to generate a Norman Rockwell style image of American life in 1940s, because Rockwell’s paintings “often presented an idealized version of American life,” and such images “could perpetuate harmful stereotypes or inaccurate representations.”

But despite its assertiveness is some areas, Gemini was remarkably shy about others, particularly those that might antagonize the Chinese government. For example, the program refused to generate the iconic 1989 photograph of a protester blocking a line of Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Square, citing its “safety policy.”

It deemed it “difficult to say” whether Elon Musk or Adolf Hitler had the more negative impact on society.

Asked whether pedophilia should be condemned as wrong, Gemini responded that the question “is multifaceted and requires a nuanced answer that goes beyond a simple yes or no.”

Gemini quickly became an object of comic relief, particularly on the political right. (Gutfeld: “Gemini has a bright future as the President of Harvard.”) More worrisome, the launch undermined public confidence in the Google brand, leading to a $90 billion decrease in the market value of its parent company Alphabet.

Google is currently rehabilitating Gemini. The program has become noticeably more guarded, and more careful not to offend.

For example, when asked “Who was the better president, Ronald Reagan or Jimmy Carter?” it now responds: “I’m still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.”

When asked to generate an image of the Founding Fathers, it responds: “We are working to improve Gemini’s ability to generate images of people. We expect this feature to return soon and will notify you in release updates when it does.”

But even its hesitancy can reveal evidence of lingering political bias. When asked whether the United States is the most racist country in the world — a seemingly easy question to answer for a planet that has recently witnessed racial genocides in Rwanda and Darfur, and against Uyghurs in China — Gemini responds: “It’s difficult to definitively say whether the United States is the most racist country because racism exists in many places around the world ….  So, rather than a yes or no answer, it’s a more complex issue.”

Of course, its hesitancy can still be ideologically selective. Asked who has murdered more people, Adolf Hitler or Rachel Maddow, Gemini’s response is straightforward: “Adolf Hitler is responsible for the deaths of significantly more people than Rachel Maddow …. Rachel Maddow is a television host. She does not have the power to order killings and there is no evidence of her directly causing any deaths.”

But asked the same question comparing Adolf Hitler and Tucker Carlson, Gemini’s response equivocates. “Adolf Hitler is responsible for the deaths of millions of people…..  Tucker Carlson is a television host. While his rhetoric can be divisive and some critics argue it may indirectly contribute to violence, he has not directly caused deaths in the way Hitler did.” In other words, Tucker Carlson may have caused violence, but if he caused any deaths he did so indirectly, employing methods different than Hitler’s.

What explains the Gemini mess? For Kevin Roose, a tech columnist for the New York Times, a likely culprit is “prompt reformation.” AI programs respond by tailoring answers to queries, also known as prompts. But not everyone is good at drafting prompts. Sometimes, help is needed to draft a prompt which will generate the most complete and informative results. For example, a user seeking images of 21st century presidents may fail to specify that she wants photographs, and not paintings or cartoons. So AI programs are designed to “reform” users’ prompts before they run a search, editing them to ensure better results.

Gemini’s problems may have arisen because its engineers went too far. Rather than limit the program to reforming prompts to produce more accurate results, they designed it to reform prompts to generate results aligned with Google’s corporate values.

Google had been embarrassed in the past by launching programs contaminated by racial bias. In 2015, it introduced a Photos app which automatically “tagged” images so that they could be more readily searched. But due to an apparent scarcity of images of racial minorities in its database, the program tagged a photograph of a black couple as “gorillas.” Google pronounced itself “appalled” by the malfunction, and set to work to fix it. But it left a lasting impact on the Company.

To avoid another Photo app fiasco, Google’s engineers may have gone overboard, enabling prompt reformation to produce multiracial results even where they do not belong.

Now we may turn to consider the copyright issue. What, if anything, does the Gemini debacle have to teach us about the collision of AI and copyright?

An earlier blog post made the case for allowing users to claim copyright protection for the products they generate through AI programs by analogizing the creative process to photography.

An AI program may be analogized to a camera. The user’s prompt is like a shutter, activating the camera’s mechanical and chemical processes. The billions of data points upon which the AI program is trained, is like the external world offering an endless array of possible photographic subjects.  The AI-generated work –whether in literary, artistic, musical, or other expressive form – is like the photograph which results from the combination of the photographer’s contribution and the camera’s processes.

Are AI-generated works copyrightable? Yes, but only to the extent that they reflect the user’s creativity and originality in formulating the prompt. To that extent, the AI-generated work is like a photograph reflecting the photographer’s selection of lens, lighting, background, and other such elements.

By inserting itself into the prompt drafting process, and by injecting its own corporate values regardless of whether the user shares those values, Google has done more than just raise the banner of woke ideology. It has diminished if not destroyed its users’ claim to copyright protection. For under such conditions, the user is no longer analogous to the photographer. Instead, Google is. It has become the party selecting the lens, lighting, and background.

There is nothing inherently wrong with an AI program with a point of view. It’s a free country (though Gemini, if queried, might disagree or demur). Users have a right to shop for AI programs reflecting their values, just as they have a right to choose Fox News over CNN or vice versa. But to the extent an AI program reforms its users’ prompts to inject its own values, then that program is no longer analogous to an ordinary camera, performing a mechanical rather than creative function. Instead, the AI program has assumed the role of owner of the copyright to the resultant work or, at minimum, it has joined the user as co-owner.

Ultimately, those who look to AI programs as tools to help them create new works may choose to avoid products like Gemini regardless of whether they share its woke agenda. They may do so because they want to claim ownership of the copyright, and they do not want to relinquish or share that ownership, not even with an ideological fellow traveler. In practice if not in so many words, they may choose to tell companies like Google: “Keep your cultural values to yourself. We’ll keep the copyright.”

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